When a fire strikes, the most important thing to do is for you and your family members to get out of the house as quickly as possible. Fires can be devastating within seconds. Don't make the mistake of turning back to collect personal belongings. Your health and safety should be your number one priority.
But what do you do after the fire strikes and you find yourself with no place to live, no toiletries, no clothes, no shoes, and without your other personal belongings? What if you left your wallet or purse in the house that contained your ATM and credit cards? How do you get money for food, a place to stay, or any temporary clothes and essentials? Don't panic just yet; we have put together a list of tips that may be helpful for you to follow after suffering a house fire in Texas.
If a fire has left you without your home, follow these 8 helpful tips:
- Contact Texas fire and emergency services ASAP.
- Contact your insurance company to report the claim.
- Ask your insurance company for an advance on your fire insurance claim to get the essentials you need (this amount will be deducted from the total you receive from your insurance claim).
- Find temporary housing for your family.
- Secure your property - if only part of your property was damaged then you need to call a board-up company, or you can cover your holes and walls to protect your property from the elements as well as from looters in order to mitigate the damages.
- Make a list of all the items you lost.
- Get repair estimates.
- Gather and keep all receipts for your temporary living expenses.
Although these tips will not take away the damage or get you back into your house sooner, they will help you feel like you are doing everything you can to empower yourself during this difficult time. Also, make sure you don't stop paying your home insurance premiums. Many people stop paying their insurance premiums when they are not living in their home, which is the worst thing you can do during this time.
If your insurance company is failing to do the right thing, delaying your claim, or has denied your Texas fire damage claim, you should seek legal advice from a skilled attorney in these matters. Consult with a Texas insurance claim attorney if you are faced with any one of these situations.
Contact the Voss Law Firm to speak with a knowledgeable lawyer who specializes in insurance bad faith claims. Our Texas insurance claim litigation lawyers will help review your insurance policy, determine if you have a legal case, and defend your rights. Call the Voss Law Firm at 888-614-7730 for a free legal consultation today.
Also, download your FREE copy of attorney Bill Voss's book: Disputes With Your Insurance Company - What All Consumers Need to Know. This book will give you the inside scoop on how to deal with insurance companies and help you face any dispute with your insurance company.