After an industrial property has been damaged by flooding, policyholders take on the arduous task of recovery. As industrial policyholders juggle contractors, adjusters, estimates, assessments, temporary repairs, and documentation of extensive flood damages, they also must worry about clock ticking on lost profits and damage to the brand image while their facilities are closed.
Experienced Attorneys Help Industrial Policyholders Get Organized
And Make the Most of Their Insurance Claims
An experienced legal team can immediately take action after a flooding event and support policyholders throughout the entire process of recovery. Our attorneys have extensive experience working with industrial property owners—both large and small—to:
- Evaluate potential flood-damage claims and determine coverage. Flooding can create a number of losses, and it may be necessary to submit claims for damage under different policies.
- Prepare necessary estimates and assessments. Flooding takes on a toll on structures, stock, equipment, and more, and it’s crucial for policyholders to collect accurate and thorough documentation for their claims.
- Create a schedule for recovery. Restoring your business after flood losses will require an organized plan of attack, including a projected schedule for emergency, temporary, and long-term repairs.
- Review estimates prepared by the insurer for accuracy. If damage estimates from the insurance company don’t reflect the full extent of flood damages, it may be necessary to look for a fair reassessment.
- Fight for your interests in litigation if a fair and full settlement cannot be reached. Flood claims are often underpaid, undervalued, or denied. An experienced legal team can prepare your claim as though it will go to litigation from the beginning, meaning that you are always ready to fight for a fair resolution.
The legal team with the Voss Law Firm is committed to helping industrial complex owners negotiate and maximize their claims for hurricane damage, and we are standing by to answer your questions. Simply reach out to our flood insurance claim lawyers by phone, or use the confidential contact form on this page to open the discussion about your concerns.
Related Links: Industrial Insurance Claims: Getting Water Damage Repaired |