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2022 Best Gold and Silver Coin Dealers in America

So, I've been doing some homework on the Internet and wanted to see how the precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, etc.) industry stood in this dangerous economy. By dangerous, I mean an economy being driven into recession by those in charge in the swamp.  As we all have experienced, the price of food, gas, travel, and more is shooting through the stratosphere with no end in site.

Several prominant investors are hedging with gold and silver such as: 

  • John Paulson
  • Stanley Druckenmiller
  • Tyler Durden
  • George Soros
  • Janet Yellen

Warren Buffet Gold Investor

And more big names like,

Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio buys gold as a store of wealth and diversification. When someone with a net worth of $18.7 billion praises the power of gold, you might want to pay attention. Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s biggest hedge fund, believes gold is attractive as a store of wealth and a means of portfolio diversification.

Lord Jacob Rothschild

Lord Jacob Rothschild buys gold to help preserve generational wealth. Lord Jacob famously declared that the Rothschild family was dumping the U.S. dollar and replacing it with other currencies, as well as gold. Changes in yields and monetary policy prompted that shift. The Rothschilds have been involved in the mining, refining, and trading of gold since the early 1800's.

Naguib Sawiris

Naguib Sawiris buys gold as a means of crisis protection. Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian billionaire worth about $2.9 billion, put half of his net worth in gold in mid-2018 in an effort to protect himself from a potential stock market crash and to take advantage of gold’s potential upside.

So, who looks to be positioned as options for trusted precious metals diversification?

Best Gold Companies 2022

The Best Online Gold Dealers for 2022

As always, do your own homework.  If you have dealt with a local dealer and feel like you have been taken advanatge of, please contact us.  We are here to help analyze your situation and protect you against being taken advantage of.

We offer free no obligation consultations.  You can reach us by the contact form on this website, or by calling the number listed.

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