While it would be nice to expect honest, courteous service from the insurance company that you pay dearly to keep you insured, you cannot always assume that this will be the case. Some insurance companies will provide excellent service on certain claims, complete with prompt visits from adjusters and fair settlements. However, especially during an expensive crisis like Hurricane Irene, insurance companies will be interested in saving money and paying out as little as possible. One of your best weapons in ensuring that you get a fair settlement from your Hurricane Irene insurance claim is to know your rights.
Insurance companies expect you to be a typical, naive consumer.
The insurance policy on your home dictates what items or kinds of damage the insurance company is liable to pay for. The insurance company is banking on you not understanding this document. Before you file your claim, read your policy and understand exactly which provisions state that your claim should be covered by your insurance. The insurance company is much more apt to pay you fairly if they see they cannot take advantage of you.
Protect yourself by knowing your rights.
Along with documenting damage, taking photos, and initiating your claim quickly, knowing your rights is imperative to receiving an adequate settlement from the insurance company. By knowing your rights, we mean that you know the terms of your policy and what you are entitled to. It is also important to know that if your insurance company ever denies your claim or offers a very small amount, you must ask them for a reason in writing. If this reason turns out to be inadequate (at attorney can help you determine whether the offer is fair), the insurance company can offer no other reasons to deny or minimize your claim and must pay you a fair settlement.
Call a hurricane claims attorney for advice.
If you have any questions about a denied claim or issues resolving a claims disagreement with the insurance company, consider contacting the hurricane claims attorneys at The Voss Law Firm at 888-614-7730. They will be glad to help you through the complicated and often very confusing process of understanding your policy and negotiating a fair settlement with your insurance company.