As people begin getting responses from their insurance adjusters about their Hurricane Sandy flood settlements, more and more people are going to find that insurers aren’t paying enough to cover the flood damage from the storm. Here’s what you need to do if your Hurricane Sandy flood damage claim value comes in too low:
Check Your Flood Insurance Coverage
The flood insurance coverage that you carry dictates your coverage limits. Depending on the policy you purchase, you may be covered for up to $250,000 for your home, and up to $100,000 for possessions. However, some policies cover less than that amount, so it’s important to find out how much your policy covers so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed.
Ask Your Insurer for a Detailed Explanation
Next, ask your insurer for a detailed breakdown about how they’ve determined your Hurricane Sandy flood claim valuation. Some insurers follow an actuary table that dictates how much they pay depending on the type of home you own and your location, regardless of the actual damage. When it comes to personal property, insurers may only pay an amortized portion of the total cost of your possessions, depending on your policy and coverage type.
Find out why the insurer is paying less than you think your claim is worth - and if you can, find out what language in your flood insurance policy backs up their valuation. Once an insurer gives you an explanation for their valuation, they can’t change it later, which means you have a chance of fighting their value.
Thoroughly Document Your Costs and File an Appeal
The key to a successful appeal is to thoroughly document your costs. In some cases, proof that the insurance company isn’t paying enough may be all it takes to get a better offer. Provide receipts, if possible, for any personal property that was damaged in the flood. And provide multiple estimates for what it will cost to fix the damage to your home. Then, file an appeal with the insurer using your documented costs.
Complain to Your State Insurance Department
If the insurer still isn’t responding, or you still feel you’re not getting enough money for your Hurricane Sandy flood claim, you can file a complaint with your state insurance department. In some states, the insurance department will contact the insurer and advocate on your behalf. In other states, the department will simply require an explanation from the insurer.
Contact a Qualified Policyholder Insurance Lawyer
If you’ve exhausted all of your avenues short of legal action, it’s time to contact an attorney. The experienced legal staff at can provide legal help in getting you the appropriate claim value. Don’t delay; insurers may dictate a limited time period in which you can appeal or fight the claim value if you’re not happy with it.
What to Do if Your Hurricane Sandy Flood Damage Claim Value Comes in Too Low
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