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What You Should Know About Governmental Fire Insurance Claims

Many people never stop to think that just as you and I have home insurance, municipalities need to have the same coverage in order to protect their buildings from losses. If a state, town, city, or school had a disaster such as a fire, how would things be handled?

When there are governmental fire insurance claims, municipalities need to make sure that they have someone they can turn to who is skilled in large claims and can help the city or specific municipal department get back up and running.

Fires can damage part of a building or the entire complex - ultimately taking the structure down as well as halting business activities. Fires are devastating and can cost a city an entire building, important documentation that was housed in that building, and key business items that employees need to conduct work, such as computers, monitors, desks, and other office supplies.

An insurance claim needs to be filed; however, since there are more factors involved with a municipality, a skilled attorney should be contacted for guidance. The city needs to make sure they have filled out the right forms, taken the correct inventory of damages, and are aware of any important details regarding governmental fire insurance claims.

Insurance companies take their time investigating and processing claims, even when municipalities are involved. You need to have someone on your side that can defend your claim, knows how insurance companies operate, can spot their tactics and techniques, and can help push the claim through.

Insurance companies use tactics and tricks to get out of paying the amount they should. Even though one wouldn't think they would do that to a municipality, they would. Insurance companies are not in the business of handing out money. They need to find ways to diminish your claim so that they can pad their own bottom line.

Our attorneys at the Voss Law Firm are experienced in dealing with legal issues and claims involving municipalities in state and local governments. We have represented cities, towns, school districts, school boards, police departments, and other governmental agencies.

If you have a governmental fire damage insurance claim or a municipal claim for real property loss, please contact our experienced insurance claim litigation lawyers in Texas. We represent state and local governments throughout this nation, and can help make sure your insurance claim is not denied or disputed. We are skilled at working with insurance companies and getting our clients what they deserve. Call the Voss Law Firm at 888-614-7730 for a free legal consultation today.

Also, download your FREE copy of attorney Bill Voss's book: Disputes With Your Insurance Company - What All Consumers Need to Know.
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