When a hailstorms moves through your area and damages commercial roofing, siding, buildings, and other property, you might not think twice about moving ahead with an insurance claim for the losses your business suffered. However, before you file a claim, it might be wise to seek the help an attorney who can help you prepare and file your claim with a fast and fair outcome in mind.
Why it Makes Sense to Consult With an Attorney About a Commercial Hail Insurance Claim
Even if you feel fairly confident about the success of an insurance claim after a hailstorm, you can gain a lot of valuable information and guidance by consulting with an experienced legal team. Attorneys who focus on these kinds of issues and disputes are familiar with the most common challenges and pitfalls, meaning that they have the most current information about avoiding those traps. Here are just a few reasons why it makes sense for commercial policyholders to work with a legal representative before moving ahead with a hail claim:
- Hail and roof damage claims are some of the most commonly denied and underpaid commercial claims. Claims for hail damage are some of the most common commercial insurance claims, and they are also some of the most commonly denied or underpaid claims. Insurance companies may underestimate damages, refuse needed replacements, or argue about coverage details if business owners aren’t prepared.
- You can be sure you’re getting the most out of a policy you don’t understand. If you have questions or concerns about your commercial insurance coverage, don’t risk wrecking your claim by moving ahead without the information and answers you need to make confident decisions.
- Insurance-industry tactics are designed to limit how much policyholders collect for hail claims. Commercial policyholders may not be able to effectively spot common tricks before it’s too late, but an experienced attorney can hold insurance companies accountable and make sure policyholders receive fair treatment.
- Litigation may become necessary to get a fair resolution to a commercial claim for hail losses. It may be impossible for commercial policyholders to come to a fair settlement with their insurance companies after hail losses, and litigation may be necessary. Commercial policyholders can protect themselves by working with an attorney and preparing for potential litigation from the start.
To be sure you are getting the commercial hail insurance coverage you’ve paid for, and to make sure you are being treated fairly by your insurance carrier, request your free copy of our book, Commercial Property Owners Must Read This Before Filing an Insurance Claim, or contact our office directly by phone for immediate assistance with your questions.
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