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What Types of Plumbing Repairs Does Insurance Cover?

What Types of Plumbing Repairs Does Insurance Cover?

For homeowners, dealing with plumbing problems can be a daunting task, both in terms of the repair process and the additional costs of fixing them. A burst pipe or a leaky faucet can quickly spiral out of control, resulting in costly repairs and property damage.

Burst pipes

Homeowners who have suffered plumbing problems know that the damage caused can be significant, and if they are not handled immediately, they could cause bigger damage to their properties.

That's why understanding what types of plumbing repairs are covered by your insurance policy is essential for protecting your home and avoiding unexpected expenses.

Be aware that while some plumbing repairs might be covered, others might not. Which means if there's damage to your property due to a plumbing issue that is not entirely your fault, your insurance company is expected to compensate you for your losses and cover the cost of repair.

However, there are times when your insurer may still decide to deny your claim. Reason why when you suspect your insurance company is trying to play tricks on you by withholding your compensation without a valid reason or unjustly denying your claim, you should seek the help of an insurance claim attorney.

At our Texas "Voss Law Firm", we have experienced attorneys that are passionate about helping policyholders recover their losses. They will support and stand by you till you get every benefit you deserve. Just call 1-888-614-7730 today for a free consultation.

Now, let's explore the types of plumbing repairs that many insurance policies cover.

What Types Of Plumbing Repairs Does Insurance Cover?

1. Burst Pipes

Burst pipes can cause significant water damage to a property, and the cost of repairing them can be substantial. Most insurance policies cover burst pipes, including the cost of repairing or replacing damaged walls, floors, and personal property damaged by water.

2. Leaks

A small leak in your plumbing system can cause damage over time leading to mold growth and other issues. Most insurance policies cover the cost of repairing leaks, including the cost of removing any mold caused by the leak.

3. Sewer Backup

Sewer backups can cause significant damage to a property, and the cost of cleaning up the mess can be expensive. Most insurance policies cover sewer backups caused by plumbing issues, including the cost of cleaning up the mess and repairing any damage caused.

4. Pipe Corrosion

Over time, pipes can corrode and develop leaks. Whether or not this is covered by insurance depends on the cause of the corrosion. If the corrosion is due to age and normal wear and tear, it is usually not covered. However, if the corrosion is due to a sudden and accidental event, such as exposure to a chemical or a lightning strike, it may be covered.


5. Fixture Leaks

Leaks from plumbing fixtures such as faucets and toilets can cause water damage to your property. Whether or not this is covered by insurance depends on the cause of the leak. If the leak is due to a sudden and accidental event, such as a faulty valve, it may be covered. However, if the leak is due to normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance, it is usually not covered.

6. Water Heater Failure

If your water heater fails and causes water damage to your property, whether or not it is covered by insurance depends on the cause of the failure. If the failure is due to a sudden and accidental event, such as a burst tank, it may be covered. However, if the failure is due to normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance, it is usually not covered.

7. Tree Roots In Pipes

Tree roots can infiltrate and damage pipes causing backups and leaks. Whether or not this is covered by insurance depends on the cause of the damage. If the damage is due to a sudden and accidental event, such as a storm causing a tree to fall on the pipe, it may be covered. However, if the damage is due to a lack of maintenance, it is usually not covered.

When Does Home Insurance Not Cover Plumbing?

While home insurance policies typically cover sudden and accidental damage to plumbing systems, there are several situations when they may not provide coverage. Let's take a look at some of these situations.

1. Lack Of Maintenance

Home insurance policies typically do not cover plumbing problems that are caused by a lack of maintenance or normal wear and tear. For example, if a pipe bursts due to corrosion caused by age and lack of maintenance, your insurance policy may not provide coverage.

2. Gradual Damage

Home insurance policies are designed to cover sudden and unexpected damage, rather than the damage that occurs gradually over time. For example, if a slow leak in a pipe causes damage to your home over several months or years, your insurance policy may not provide coverage.

3. Flood Damage

Most home insurance policies do not cover damage caused by floods, including those caused by overflowing toilets, backed-up sewers, or rising groundwater. If you want coverage for flood damage, you may need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

flood damage

4. Intentional Damage

If you or someone else intentionally damages your plumbing system, your insurance policy will likely not provide coverage.

5. Exclusions In Your Policy

Home insurance policies may have exclusions for certain types of damage or specific events. It's important to review your policy carefully and understand its exclusions to ensure that you have the coverage you need.

6. Pre-Existing Conditions

Home insurance policies typically do not cover pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have a known plumbing issue before purchasing your insurance policy, your insurer may not provide coverage for any damage caused by that issue.

7. DIY Repairs

If you attempt to repair your plumbing system yourself and cause damage in the process, your insurance policy may not provide coverage. Home insurance policies typically require that repairs be performed by licensed professionals.

8. Negligence

If you are negligent in preventing or addressing plumbing issues, your insurance policy may not provide coverage. For example, if you fail to repair a leak promptly and it causes extensive damage to your property, your insurer may deny your claim.

9. Business Use

If you use your home for business purposes, your insurance policy may not provide coverage for plumbing damage that occurs as a result of that business.

10. Earthquakes

Most standard home insurance policies do not cover damage caused by earthquakes. If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, you may need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy.

When To Contact Our Texas-Based Attorneys

If your insurance company denies your claim for plumbing damage and you feel that the denial was unjustified, you should seek the help of an attorney.

At Voss Law Firm, we have experienced insurance claim attorneys that will review your policy and the details of your claim to determine whether your insurer acted in bad faith or otherwise. If in bad faith, we will contend with your insurance company till you get every benefit you deserve. Just call us at 1-888-614-7730 today for a free consultation.

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