One of the first things you probably did after you purchased your boat was obtain boating insurance. After all, you want the same kind of protection you receive with your automobile. But, just as with your car insurance, your boat insurance policy is probably filled with confusing terms and information that you may not understand (or even know is there). Unfortunately, this small print and legal jargon can be an obstacle when you have to file a claim.
What You Probably Don’t Know About Your Insurance Policy
Most boating policies contain two important pieces of information that many policyholders don’t know about or understand. Here, we discuss what they are.
Your boat is covered when out of water
You know that boats aren’t always in the water. Often, they are on the backs of trailers. If the boat is damaged while on the road, do you know if it is covered or not?
Fortunately, it probably is, but not by your boat insurance; your automobile insurance—and only this insurance—is responsible in this case. But that can be bad news. If your boat insurance coverage offers more for loss of life, medical bills, and other types of claims, you’ll still have to accept what the automobile policy covers. However, your homeowners’ insurance may offer coverage if your boat is vandalized or stolen while it’s in your driveway.
Your boat may not be covered in all waters
Most insurance policies have navigational warranties, which means you’re only covered in certain areas. Most commonly, boats are covered in the inland waters of the United States and Canada, or they are only covered in certain areas around the country. Check your policy before you go on any long trips in your vessel.
Was Your Claim Denied?
If your insurance company is denying your claim, you may be able to fight back. The Voss Law Firm has helped many boaters in Montgomery County and adjoining areas get the justice they deserve. Find out if we can do the same for you by calling 1-888-614-7730 or by ordering our FREE book, Your Basic Guide to Marine Insurance.