What Every Business Owner Needs to Know When Facing a Partnership Dispute in Texas
Some of the contract disputes in Texas that we handle include:
Breach of contract: When one party fails to meet the agreement and terms of the contract set forth, you may be able to recover damages and out-of-pocket expenses resulting from the breach. We represent business owners in local partnership issues and even in international commercial and business transactions.
Why do partnership disputes happen?
Partners may not agree on the path the business is heading down and may have disagreements over where the business is going. They may also have disputes regarding financial issues and profit sharing arrangements. In addition, some people allow personal matters to get in the way of their work, or one partner may just want out.
Typically, most partnerships are set up with 50/50 profit sharing and 50 percent ownership in the company, which helps alleviate most disputes. However, if one partner doesn't feel that the other business partner is contributing equally, there may be arguments and disputes over profit sharing. Sometimes a Texas business litigation lawyer is needed to help guide you to a resolution.
When you enter into a binding contract with a business partner, and the other partner has failed to meet the terms of the business contract or abide by the non-compete agreement, you have grounds to pursue a legal case on the grounds of the contract that have been breached. Sometimes, you may have incurred losses as the other party has failed to make payments per the terms of the contract. We can even help litigate collection claims.
When you are facing a partnership dispute, you need solid legal advice from a skilled business litigation attorney in Texas. Whether you are collecting a debt, dealing with complicated issues, or breaking up a partnership, the attorneys at the Voss Law Firm can help you avoid a messy, time-consuming legal battle on your own. We have helped businesses and individuals for many years with breach of contract claims and other business contract disputes.
If your business partner has failed to live up to their end of the agreement, you need to order your complimentary copy of attorney Bill Voss's book: Business Disputes - Critical Information for All Business Owners. This book can be downloaded from our website for free. Get your copy today, as it is a must read for business partners and business owners.
The impact a partnership dispute has on your business can be devastating. Don't let a dispute ruin your business. Get advice from commercial and business litigation attorneys at the Voss Law Firm. We can represent you in all kinds of disputes, and most of our cases our handled on a contingency fee basis. Call us today and speak with a knowledgeable Texas business lawyer at 888-614-7730.
The Voss Law Firm, P.C. represents clients on a local, national and international basis. We proudly serve companies and individuals along the Gulf Coast and around the globe on a contingency fee basis. Our law firm collects nothing unless we recover on our client's behalf.