You may have been in for a rude awakening recently as you discovered that your insurance company did not or will not protect your property from all of life’s mishaps. Although you thought that the premiums you paid to your homeowner’s insurance company would guarantee your insurer’s help when you need it the most, you have just found out that you were mistaken.
As Texas insurance litigation lawyers, we understand the widespread bad faith practices that some insurance companies engage in. Although some insurance companies strive to pay claims promptly and fairly, others try to avoid paying claims altogether.
The Insurance Company’s Objective
Your insurance company has one goal in mind, and it is not to protect you. Their goal is to increase their profits, and they do this by denying and delaying insurance claims. This means that they even deny or delay payment of legitimate insurance claims.
Their bad faith actions either make policyholders go away without a fight or force them to enter litigation by appealing the decision. Sadly, the majority of insurance companies do not have the policyholder’s best interest in mind.
Denying and Delaying Tactics
There are many ways that insurance companies try to get out of paying what you and other policyholders truly deserve. Some examples include:
- Lowballing your claim
- Stonewalling you
- Delaying payment
- Denying your claim altogether
- Initiating multiple investigations
- Questioning fraud
Sadly, claims adjusters are often offered bonuses or cash incentives to reduce their claim payouts. Although you may not be able to prove this, you should know when you file an insurance claim for property damage, you need to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes. Having this knowledge will help you fight back so you are not taken advantage of.
If you feel the insurance company is participating in bad faith actions with regard to your property claim, talk with a skilled Texas insurance claim attorney to find out more about your rights. Call the Voss Law Firm for a free, no-obligation consultation, and find out if you should enter into litigation with your insurer. Call today at (866) 276-6179. Make sure you also request a complimentary copy of our book, Disputes With Your Insurance Company: What All Consumers Need to Know.